What Tushiyah did

The Bambanani Phathisanani Programme commenced in June 2016 with the aim of improving business skills of entrepreneurs and supporting local businesses towards growth. The development programme sought to build and enhance the capacity and capability of black-owned and black-women-owned businesses through business development support, providing market access and providing access to finance. This was done with the aim of improving and attaining operational and financial independence. More specifically the goals of the programme included the establishment of a business centre and business incubator and to support businesses in improving their ability to access finance. It focused on identifying entrepreneurs with feasible business ideas and with existing operational businesses and then improving their business skills. The programme also aimed to improve their networking opportunities and help all the participants gain access to markets.

Tushiyah’s multi-faceted approach and track record meant that all the participants were provided access to specialised training and accreditation for SMMEs requiring a technical intervention to improve business efficiencies. The programme enjoyed the support – including substantial financial support – of a major corporate sponsor and ran from June 2016 to mid-2020. Tushiyah initiated several impactful and remarkable Enterprise Development and Enterprise and Supplier Development projects over the four-year period. The programme came to an end in 2020 when the contract expired.

What was the outcome?

  • More than 60 enterprises were supported from 2016
  • A total of 1.9 Million of market opportunities were awarded to local entrepreneurs.
  • A total of 1.8 Million in finance opportunities were awarded to local entrepreneurs.
  • 7 high potential growth businesses were supported and grew by more than 300%.
  • 25 new jobs were created through the support provided to growing enterprises.
  • Assisted the matric class of 2020 to get their IDs so they could write their exams.
  • The established business centre did not only support the enterprises registered in the centre, but also provided access to computers and internet to over 475 community members
  • Tushiyah also invested in a CareerBuild initiative in Noupoort supporting grade 9’s with making the right career choices also to choose the right subjects to enable them to make the right career choices.




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Capital City Business Chamber
Certified IFC-LPA TPMA Assessor
Trainer Performance Monitoring and Assessment - The LPI
Head Office

73 The Oval
274 West Street
Centurion | Gauteng
Tel: +27 (0)11 202 5029



 +27 (0)11 202 5029  5.1